About God’s Little One
Hi!! My name is Erin Lynch! I am a simple heart who loves seeking the Lord in the little things. I find joy in making crafts, writing letters, watching sunsets, sharing deep conversations, eating seafood, walking on beaches, laying on picnic blankets, reading books, and drinking lots of tea!
I just know that Jesus delights in loving me through the simple things in life - He knows what I truly love! I remember once while on a silent retreat, I took my favorite picnic blanket to the middle of a field filled with tiny purple and white flowers. The sky was perfectly blue, there was a constant breeze, and butterflies were all around me! When picking up a small white daisy to admire, a red lady bug landed on the flower I was holding and in that moment I knew with every part of me that I was so loved! He loves me in the way that only my heart can be loved! And that particular moment was made up of all the little things that He knew my heart would love!
I know this is the “Little Erin” in me that just loves to be loved in this way! “Truly I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. Whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me.” Matthew 18:3-5. I just love imagining this moment as the child on Jesus’s lap as he speaks to His disciples. Can you imagine how He would be looking at you?! Gosh! With such delight for sure!!! I really desire to grow in this child-likeness! But I also desire to receive all of YOU - His children - that He wants to place in my life!
We are all His beloved sons and daughters! So precious in His eyes! I want to walk WITH you in exploring what it is to be child-like and it is my prayer that we can all grow together in this! I hope to share with you all the ways I delight in being His Little One, and to remind you that you are God’s Little One too.